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Google Implements Creative Commons Image Searching – Do I have Psychic Powers?

I see Billy, and Susan, and Matt... wait, that was Romper Room

I see Billy, and Susan, and Matt... wait, that was Romper Room

First the iPhone 3.0 update implemented new podcast-friendly playback controls (identical to a post I made last year on a tech site (that I can’t now find) on how I wished they worked) – now Google has finally enabled image searching only within photos which are “creative commons” licensed! As someone who uses a lot of CC images to illustrate blog posts this is the bees knees – something I was wishing would happen only yesterday (and pretty much every day since I relaunched this blog).

Hmm… I hope I only use my new psychic wishing powers for good, let’s see… Pizza Hut should change it’s name to “Han Solo’s Good-Tyme Eatery”

Dang it.